Enabling a climate neutral EU Commission
The EU Commission wants make its own operations climate neutral. We undertook a feasibility and scoping study on how a greenhouse-gas neutral Commission could be achieved as early as possible and prior to 2040.
- Analysis of the Commission’s current GHG emissions and remaining reduction options and how to improve the monitoring system to report on these emissions
- Analysis of instruments and concepts of climate neutrality targets for organisations and of their applicability to the Commission
- Developing feasible roadmaps towards achieving the goal of climate neutrality.
- ensures a just and socially fair transition
- maintains and strengthens innovation and competitiveness of EU industry while ensuring a level playing field vis-à-vis third country economic operators
- underpins the EU's position as leading the way in the global fight against climate change
Xavier Le Den
Market Director SSC BE
+32 497 89 83 58
Niki Bey
Senior Manager
+45 51 61 10 10